
new site...finally!

after some prodding from close friends and 'associates' i finally got off my tail and put this new site together....which, if things go as planned should be much easier to scale and add images to than the old one was (i think i only added one new image to the old site in two years).

for me, the learning curve of most available 'solutions' for designing simple websites was daunting and every time i touched the old site, it took hours to make even the simplest change. i recently swerved into a great tool called "SiteGrinder", an elegant plugin for photoshop, developed and (very well) supported by the folks at medialab. it's a superb tool for people like me who have intermediate photoshop skills but no web development abilities and are too cheap to pay someone else to do the work (i'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with control!). SiteGrinder basically allows the site to be designed directly in photoshop and then will generate all the code, links, text, graphics, etc. in minutes.

the new site features 40 images, most of them new, in a single gallery - the thumbnail strip below the main image shows 10 at a time; just click the arrow button to the right or left to advance or retreat 10 thumbnails. Mousing over the large pictures will reveal the name and where each was shot.

i'll be adding fresh material monthly and eventually increase the number of galleries to three - one for new stuff, featured projects and an archive. the site is heavily laden with flash which, i've resisted up to this point...but the image transitions are really nice and it has become much easier to build with.

so, enjoy the new design and images....come back often, and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, guess you have to make fun of a friend's myspace to find out how talented other friends are... These are some amazing photos!